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Universal Periodic Review Second Cycle - France - Reference Documents


Contributions for the Summary of Stakeholder's information

The views and/or opinions expressed in the contributions listed below are those of the contributing organizations and do not reflect in any way the views and/or opinions of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). OHCHR is not responsible for the content of the organizations’ views and/or opinions. The use and posting of the contributions do not provide any legal and/or other status to the contributing organizations or association with the OHCHR.
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
CNCDH - Commission National Consultative droit de Homme  EnglishFrançais, Cover
Civil Society
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
APL - Association Primo Levi  FrançaisAnnex
ATD - ATD Quart Monde  Français
C_IDAHO - Comite IDAHO  FrançaisAnnex
CAP - Coord Association Particulier Liberté Conscience  English
CGLPL - Controleur General Lieux de Privation de Liberte  Français
CICNS - Centre of Information and Counseling on NEw Spiritualities  English
CPCK - Congres Populaire Coutumier Kanak  Français1
CRAN - Conseil Representatif Association Noire  Français1
DD - Defenseur des Droits  Français
DEI - Defense des Enfants Internationales  Français
EBLUL - Bureau Europeen pour Langues moins Repandues EnglishFrançais
ECPAT - Protect Enfance contre Exploita Sexuel fin Comm  FrançaisAnnex
EOHRCS - European Office HR Church of Scient  Français1
ERRC - European Roma Rights Centre  Français
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children  English
HRW - Human Rights Watch  English
ICAAD - International Center Advocat Against Discrim  English
IHRC - Islamic Human Rights Commission  English
INDIGENOUS - In Net Dip Ind Gov Enga Nonvi Org Under SelfDe  English
JS1 - Joint Submission 1  English
JS2 - Joint Submission 2  Français
LDH - Ligue des Droits de l'Homme  FrançaisAnnex
Oceania - Oceania Human Rights  English
ODVV - Organisation for Defending Victims of Violence  English
OIP - Observatoire International des Prisons  Français
OU-IHRC - University of Oklahoma College of Law International Human Rights Clinic  EnglishAnnex
STP - Society for Threatened peoples  English
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
CoE - Council of Europe English
