Business and Human Rights and UDHR75
OHCHR and business and human rights
The Human Rights 75 Initiative (UDHR75) seeks to reinvigorate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, showing the ways it meets the needs of our time, and advancing its promise of freedom, equality, and justice for all. Each month in 2023, OHCHR is placing a spotlight on human rights issues, enshrined in the Universal Declaration, in need of concrete and urgent action from States, business and other actors. The spotlight for October is Business and Human Rights.
As part of UDHR75, the Push for Pledges is a campaign to encourage meaningful actions with the dedicated aim to show commitment towards improving communities, nations, and everyone’s human rights. Pledging guidance has been shared for States, business, civil society, NHRIs, and cities with regard to the UDHR75 generally. To help focus efforts of States and business to make meaningful pledges with respect to the business and human rights agenda, the Business and Human Rights Unit of OHCHR recommends that they consider the following pledges:
Suggested BHR pledges for States
- Contribute funding to OHCHR work on business and human rights (for instance, by supporting the creation of a business and human rights helpdesk)
- Develop or update legislation regarding business respect for human rights (e.g., mandatory human rights due diligence legislation)
- Develop or update policy strategies to protect against adverse human rights impacts by business enterprises (e.g., a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights)
- Review and enhance the effectiveness of remedial mechanisms in line with OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project guidance
- Commit or re-commit to implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Suggested BHR pledges for business
- Contribute funding to OHCHR work on business and human rights (for instance, by supporting the creation of a business and human rights helpdesk)
- Develop or update a policy commitment to respect human rights
- Conduct human rights due diligence in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- Review and enhance the business’ approach to remedy in line with UNGP 22 and OHCHR Accountability and Remedy Project guidance
- Commit or re-commit to implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Right
For any questions regarding OHCHR work on Business and Human Rights, please contact [email protected].