Call for submissions: Draft General Comment on article 27 on the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment
Issued by
Treaty bodies
09 September 2022
Issued by
Treaty bodies
09 September 2022
Issued by Treaty bodies
Persons with disabilities
Symbol Number
The Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities is currently in process of developing a draft General Comment on the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment (article 27). The aim of preparing a general comment is to provide guidance to States parties to the Convention on the measures they should adopt to ensure full compliance with their obligations to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of persons with disabilities established in article 27, available in English, Français and Español versions
During its 24th session (8 - 26 March 2021), the Committee held a virtual general discussion on the right of persons with disabilities to work and employment. To read the submissions and oral statements of the general discussion, please click on the following link.
The Committee invites States Parties to the Convention, focal points and coordination mechanisms for matters relating to the Convention, independent monitoring mechanisms, national human rights institutions, equality bodies, United Nations funds, programmes, and specialized agencies, entities in the private sector, organizations of persons with disabilities and other civil society organizations, academia and any other interested party to provide written input on the issues highlighted above and to contribute to the development of the draft general comment in the following format.
a) Identification of the submitting entity;
b) The paragraph number(s) to which the submission refers;
c) Concise comments;
d) Proposed text for amendment, if relevant;
e) Additional topic(s) to be included/left out of the draft general comment, with a short explanation and, if relevant, proposed text.
Please send submissions electronically to Ms Janna Iskakova at [email protected], indicating in the subject line “CRPD Draft General Comment on art. 27” by 6 December 2021. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered. Due to the large number of submissions expected, the Secretariat will not acknowledge receipt of individual submissions, but proceed to post them on the Committee’s webpage.