General recommendation No 40. on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems
25 October 2024
The CEDAW Committee considers that the long-term and structural absence of women globally from decision-making systems not only constitutes a major human rights’ violation, but also deprives the world of the potential of half its population.
The Committee, within its mandate, is elaborating a new General Recommendation (GR 40) to provide guidance to States parties on reaching equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems in all sectors.
The Committee considers that the achievement of parity as a fundamental human right requires systematic action. The increasing number of crises and disruptive changes affecting the world, such as pandemics, climate change and protracted conflicts, demonstrate that globally governance has failed to deliver on its core task of ensuring peace and security, and that it is high time to change the classic patriarchal model of governance.
The Committee also takes into consideration the rapid changes in a world that is becoming increasingly digitalized with the development of new technologies such as AI, which will have a critical impact on decision-making and needs to be shaped and disseminated in a way that ensures substantive equality of women and men.
The Committee’s GR 40 aims at a new approach to governance based on parity as a core principle and a leading force for transformative change.
The Committee has undertaken this work with the support of OHCHR. It has closely collaborated with UN Women and the Inter-Parliamentary Union and consulted with States parties, regional organizations, NHRIs, NGOs and academic institutions to ensure a participatory approach.
The Committee has adopted GR 40 at its 89th session in October 2024.
GR 40 was launched on 25 October at the Palais des Nations, Room XVIII from 11.30 am – 1.00 pm (Geneva time) as part of the informal meeting with States parties. The launch was opened by the HC.
Throughout 2023 and 2024, thanks to cooperation with partners from civil society and academia, the Committee convened five expert group meetings to feed into draft GR No. 40. The meetings brought together experts from academia, civil society and UN entities with relevant expertise. Expert group meetings were held on: “Parity as a response to the crisis of the systems of governance today” and “AI - a risk factor and/or driver of structural change?”, both led by the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, and Women at the Table; “Women’s equal and inclusive representation in international decision-making systems”, led by the GQUAL Campaign and the American University; “Women’s equal and inclusive decision-making at the workplace”, led by the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at the Australian National University and on “Feminist Economics and Economic Policy and its Link to Women's Equal and Inclusive Participation in Decision-Making Systems”, led by the GQUAL Campaign and the University of Buenos Aires
Throughout 2023 and 2024, five regional consultations organized with UN Women, ensured that the draft reflects specific needs in the different geographic regions. These consultations were held in Istanbul, Cairo, Addis Ababa, Bogotá, and Bangkok, bringing together Committee experts, CSOs, academia, and UN entities.
Half-day of general discussion on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems (84th CEDAW session)
Statements by the CEDAW Chair and the GR 40 Rapporteur at the technical briefing for States parties at the Committee’s 88th session. Statement of the CEDAW Chair - Statement of the GR 40 Rapporteur
Comments provided to draft GR 40
Following the Half-day of general discussion on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems held on 22 February 2023 during the 84th CEDAW session, which was the first stage of the process of elaborating a draft General Recommendation on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems, and the organization of expert group meetings on issues of relevance for the General Recommendation, the Committee produced a first draft of the General Recommendation to which interested parties could submit their comments (see received submissions below).
Further information
For further information on the upcoming general recommendation, please contact the Secretariat of the Committee, Ms. Céline Georgi, Human Rights Officer, by e-mail at: [email protected]
Received submissions
States Parties
International and other organisations
- Inter-American Commission of Women
- International Center For-Not-for-Profit Law
- International Development Law Organization
- Inter-Parliamentary Union
National Human Rights Institutions
- Asia Justice Coalition
- Association Des Femmes Egales
- Center For Justice And International Law
- Center For Reproductive Rights
- Coalicion Violeta
- Equipo Latinoamericano De Justicia Y Genero
- European Women's Lobby Coordination For Turkey
- Federation of Disabilities Organisations in Malawi (FEDOMA)
- Global Observatory For Gender Equality And Sport
- Hope Inspired Foundation for Women and Youth with Disabilities (HIFWYD)
- ILGA World
- International Disability Alliance
- Kaleidoscope
- Liga Internacional De Mujeres Por La Paz Y La Libertad Colombia
- Monitoring Network Against Gender Based Violence
- Nada Sin Nosotras
- Observatorio De Genero Y Equidad Parlamentaria Argentina
- Plan International
- Regards de Femmes
- Royal Commonwealth Society Of The Blind (Sightsavers)
- Transforming Communities For Inclusion
- Women Enabled International & Inclusive Generation Equality Collective
- Women Gaining Ground
- Women's International League For Peace & Freedom
Academic institutions
- Amit Anand & Preethi Lolaksha Nagaveni
- Fabian Luetz
- María Inés Tula
- Teresa Sacchet
- University of Bern & University of Palermo
- University of Salento
- Yewon Kim