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Days of general discussion DGD

2016 day of general discussion: Children’s rights and the environment


23 September 2016


Room XIX, Palais des Nations, Geneva

During its 69th session, the Committee on the Rights of the Child decided to devote its 2016 general discussion day to the issue of children’s rights and the environment. It took place on Friday, 23 September 2016, during the 73rd session of the Committee at the United Nations Office in Geneva.

Overall objective of the 2016 DGD

To promote understanding of the relationship between children’s rights and the environment; identify what needs to be done for child rights-related laws, policies and practices to take adequate account of environmental issues; and for environment-related laws, policies and practices to be child-sensitive.

Specific objectives of the 2016 DGD
  • Address key aspects of the relationship between children’s rights and the environment by examining (a) how damage to the environment negatively affects children’s rights, including the rights of children in vulnerable situations, and (b) how children of different ages, gender and social backgrounds can participate in decisions and actions to prevent, respond and adapt to environmental harm.
  • Clarify the obligations of States and other actors, particularly the business sector, regarding the rights of the child in relation to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment, including access to justice when harm has been caused, and how to prevent harm in the long term;
  • Assess the current status of environmental issues in child rights–related laws, policies and practices, and, vice versa, of children’s rights in laws, policies and practices related to the environment, including by identifying gaps and good examples;
  • Provide guidance on how to integrate a comprehensive child rights-based approach into environment-related laws, policies and practices (e.g. environmental impact assessments);
  • Provide substantive information to facilitate the Committee’s dialogue with and recommendations to States parties on issues relating to children’s rights and the environment;
  • Offer a platform for dialogue between participants and promote exchange of knowledge and experience, and collaboration between relevant actors dealing with children’s rights and environmental protection, thereby complementing recent developments related to human rights and the environment in other forums.
  • Outline (Arabic | English | Français)
  • Guidelines on participation and submissions (English)
  • Working methods for the participation of children in DGDs (CRC/C/155)
  • Programme of work (English)
  • Concept note (English)
  • Side event 1 ‘Under the same sky’: (English)
  • Side event 2 ‘The unsound management of chemicals’: (English)
  • Report of the DGD and Recommendations (English: Word - PDF)
DGD videos
Inputs received