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10th Meeting of States parties & 2024 elections


24 October 2024


United Nations Office at Geneva, Palais des Nations


Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture

The tenth meeting of the States parties to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) will be convened by the Secretary-General at the United Nations Office at Geneva on Thursday 24 October 2024, 10 AM, room XIX conference room, at Palais des Nations. The purpose of the meeting is to elect twelve members of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT), to replace those whose terms of office will expire on 31 December 2024.

The election of candidates for membership in the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture shall take place in accordance with articles 5 through 9 of the OPCAT. In addition, the Secretary-General would like to draw attention to the General Assembly resolution A/68/268 adopted on 9 April 2014, entitled “Strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the human rights treaty body system” and its provisions 10 and 13 on the nomination and election of treaty body experts.

The current membership of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture is:
NameStateTerm expires on 31 December
Ms. Uju AGOMOHNigeria2026
Ms. Vasiliki ARTINOPOULOUGreece2026
Mr. Massimiliano BAGAGLINIItaly2024
Ms. Marie BRASHOLTDenmark2024
Ms. Maria Andrea CASAMENTOArgentina2024
Ms. Carmen COMAS-MATA MIRASpain2026
Mr. Jakub Julian CZEPEKPoland2024
Mr. Hameth Saloum DIAKHATESenegal2026
Mr. Satyabhooshun Gupt DOMAHMauritius2024
Ms. Hamida DRIDITunisia2024
Mr. Marco FEOLI VILLALOBOSCosta Rica2024
Mr. Daniel FINKSwitzerland2024
Ms. Suzanne JABBOURLebanon2026
Ms. Julia KOZMAAustria2026
Mr. Nika KVARATSKHELIAGeorgia2026
Ms. Aisha Shujune MUHAMMADMaldives2024
Mr. Andrew Christoffel NISSENSouth Africa2026
Mr. Abdallah OUNNIRMorocco2024
Ms. Zdenka PEROVIĆMontenegro2024
Ms. María Luisa ROMEROPanama2026
Ms. Elīna ŠTEINERTELatvia2026
Ms. Anica TOMSICCroatia2026
Mr. Juan Pablo VEGASPeru2026
Mr. Victor ZAHARIARepublic of Moldova2026
Mr. Martin ZINKLERGermany2024

In accordance with articles 6 and 7 of the OPCAT, the Secretary-General, in a Note verbale dated 16 May 2024 (English | Français | Español), invited the States parties to submit their nominations of candidates for the election of members to the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture within three months, i.e. by 16 August 2024.

Nominations and biographical data should be submitted, using a specific standard format (English | Français | Español), by a Note verbale of the Permanent Mission to the Secretary-General, c/o. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva.

The electronic Word version should be sent to [email protected], copied to [email protected], by 16 August 2024, at the latest.

The biographical data of nominated candidates should not exceed 38 lines.

List of candidates, in alphabetical order, nominated by States Parties within the deadline of 16 August:
Omar BATTASMorocco
Edna Paola BIYOGOU Gabon
Marie BRASHOLT*                       Denmark
Jakub Julian CZEPEKPoland
Kalliopi KAMBANELLACyprus
Paul LAM SHANG LEEN**Mauritius
Luciano MARIZ MAIABrazil
Candidature withdrawn on 16 October
Aisha Shujune MUHAMMAD*Maldives
Martin ZINKLERGermany
List of candidates, in chronological order, nominated by States Parties after the deadline of 16 August:
Massimiliano BAGAGLINI*Italy
Barbara BERNATHSwitzerland

There are 14 candidates

* Current members
** Former members

Provisional agendaCAT/OP/SP/21
Note by the Secretary-General containing the list of candidates and biographicalCAT/OP/SP/22
Note by the Secretary-General containing the list of candidates and biographical data - Addendum 1 & 2CAT/OP/SP/22/Add.1 
Note by the Secretary-General withdrawing a candidature – AddendumCAT/OP/SP/22/Add.3 
Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Meetings of the States Parties to the OPCATCAT/OP/SP/3
General Assembly resolution on Strengthening and enhancing the effective functioning of the human rights treaty body systemA/RES/68/268

The States party are invited to be represented at the meeting and to forward, as soon as possible and not later than 18 October 2024, the credentials for their representatives, issued either by the Head of State or Government, or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs (English | Français | Español). Credentials should be directed to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva, Palais Wilson, Geneva 10, Switzerland, at the attention of Mr. Joao Nataf, Secretary of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture ([email protected] and [email protected]). Credentials will not be accepted on the day of the meeting.

Results of the Tenth Meeting States parties to the OPCAT that took place on 24 October 2024 to elect the 12 members of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture whose mandate will expire on 31 December 2024 

List of the 12 candidates, in alphabetical order, elected to the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture, for a term of four years, as of 1 January 2025, as provided for under article 9 of the Optional Protocol:

Massimiliano BAGAGLINI*Italy
Omar BATTASMorocco
Barbara BERNATHSwitzerland
Marie BRASHOLT*Denmark
Jakub Julian CZEPEK*Poland
Kalliopi KAMBANELLACyprus
Paul LAM SHANG LEEN **Mauritius
Luciano MARIZ MAIABrazil
Aisha Shujune MUHAMMAD*Maldives
Martin ZINKLER*Germany

* Current members
** Former members