“Our Rights, Our Future. Right Now” through Human Rights Education for, with and by Youth
10 December 2024
Human Rights Education and Training
Concept note in English and French.
In October 2024, the United Nations Human Rights Council, through its resolution 57/10, launched the fifth phase (2025-2029) of the World Programme for Human Rights Education, dedicated to children and youth, with a focus on human rights education in three thematic areas: digital technologies and human rights, gender equality, and environment and climate change. The World Programme for Human Rights Education was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2004 as an ongoing global initiative structured in consecutive phases in order to advance implementation of human rights education programmes in all sectors.
To celebrate the launch the fifth phase of the World Programme, Human Rights Day 2024 will have a particular focus on human rights education for children and youth, taking into account the three thematic areas decided by the Human Rights Council. In this context, OHCHR is organizing a youth dialogue on the importance of human rights education for, with and by youth as main human rights stakeholders and actors.
The dialogue will be facilitated by three young human rights educators featured in Changemakers: Stories of Young Human Rights Educators, a multimedia resource jointly produced by OHCHR, Amnesty International and Soka Gakkai International. This resource showcases how human rights and human rights education have changed the lives of seven young people and motivated them to advocate for human rights within their communities through human rights education.
- Opening remarks
OHCHR | UNESCO - Introduction of young human rights educators and screening of their stories
- Discussion between the young human rights educators and the audience
- Closing remarks
- Networking reception (18:00-19:00)
- Excerpt from Changemakers: Dejana’s story of fighting gender-based violence against women and girls through social media
- Excerpt from Changemakers: Aizat’s story of promoting women’s rights within formal and non-formal education sectors
- Excerpt from Changemakers: Soufiane’s story of seeking gender justice and promoting positive masculinities
List of speakers
- Ms. Dejana Stosic, educator and peace activist (Serbia)
- Ms. Aizat Ruslanova, civil activist and Executive Director of IDEA Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan)
- Mr. Soufiane Hennani, human rights activist and host of podcast MACHI ROJOLA (Morocco)
- Ms. Elena Ippoliti, Coordinator, Human Rights Education and Training Unit, OHCHR
- Ms. Ana Luiza Massot Thompson-Flores, Director, UNESCO Geneva Liaison Office[CK8]
- Ms. Ruth Zaldibar Garcia, Global Human Rights Education Coordinator, Amnesty International
- Ms. Elisa Gazzotti, Programme Coordinator for Human Rights Education, Soka Gakkai International
Photo of the event
The dialogue was organized by OHCHR's Human Rights Education Unit, in partnership with UNESCO, Amnesty International, Soka Gakkai International, and the NGO Working Group on Human Rights Education and Learning. © OHCHR
Background materials
- Plan of action for the fifth phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education (A/HRC/57/34)
- Changemakers: Stories of Young Human Rights Educators (Multimedia resources)
- A Path to Dignity: The Power of Human Rights Education (Multimedia resources)
For more information
For further information on the event, please contact [email protected].
Please register here
Participants in the event must register on Indico