19th Meeting of States parties & 2023 elections – Committee against Torture
19 October 2023
A meeting of States parties took place in Geneva on 19 October 2023 to elect members to replace the five current members whose terms expire on 31 December 2023.
Name of candidate | Nationality |
Mr. Jorge Contesse Singh | Chile |
Mr. Claude Heller | Mexico |
Mr. Erdogan Iscan | Türkiye |
Ms. Ana Racu | Republic of Moldova |
Mr. Peter Vedel Kessing | Denmark |
List of candidates
Name of candidate | Nominated by | Date of nomination |
Mr. Sébastien Touzé English | Français | Español |
France | 27 March 2023 |
Mr. Jorge Contesse Singh English | Français | Español |
Chile | 30 March 2023 |
Mr. Claude Heller English | Français | Español |
Mexico | 6 April 2023 |
Mr. Peter Vedel Kessing English |
Denmark | 25 April 2023 |
Mr. Yaré Fall English | Français |
Senegal | 4 May 2023 |
Mr. Erdogan Iscan English | Français |
Türkiye | 9 May 2023 |
Mr. Lazhari Bouzid English |
Algeria | 22 May 2023 |
Mrs. Ana Racu English | Français |
Republic of Moldova | 24 May 2023 |
Mr. Kamel Eddine Ben Hassen Français |
Tunisia | 24 May 2023 |
Mr. Zuhair Mohammed Abdullah Al-Zuman English |
Saudi Arabia | 26 May 2023 |
Ms. Akouavi Inès Laurenda Hadonou Toffoun English | Français |
Benin | 6 June 2023 |
Ms. Marica Pirošíková English |
Slovakia | 15 June 2023 |
Mr. Edgar Fidias Taboada Insfrán (Candidature withdrawn on 17 October 2023) |
Paraguay | 15 June 2023 |
Mr. Lockhdev Hoolash English |
Mauritius | 16 June 2023 |
Mr. Adil Abilov English |
Azerbaijan | 19 June 2023 |
Mr. Henri Wembolua Otshudi Kenge Français |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | 22 June 2023 |
Mr. Fabien Tombohavana English | Français |
Madagascar | 5 July 2023 |
- Provisional Agenda (CAT/SP/19/1)
- Note of the Secretary General with list of candidates (CAT/SP/19/2 and addendum)
- Rules of Procedure of the Committee (CAT/C/3/Rev.7)
- Rules of Procedure of the Meeting of States parties (CAT/SP/2/Rev.1)