Ninth session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development
01 - 02 May 2024
New York
The session was shortened due to UN liquidity crisis.
The ninth session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development will take place in Conference Room 5, in UN HQ New York, on Wednesday 1 May and Thursday 2 May 2024, 10am to 1pm and 3pm to 6pm Eastern Time (ET).
Over the past years, the EMRTD has undertaken rigorous studies and dialogues on various dimensions of the right to development (RTD). At its ninth session, the EMRTD aims to assess its progress and foster meaningful exchanges of viewpoints and experiences among Member States and key stakeholders. Our deliberations will be enriched by insights from recent and ongoing negotiations, including the Third South Summit, the forthcoming Financing for Development Forum, the Conferences on Small Islands Developing States and on Landlocked Developing Countries, in addition to the Summit of the Future.
Recognizing the urgent challenges posed by multiple crises, the EMRTD remains steadfast in providing tangible contributions to support Member States in their negotiations. Our collective goal is to drive progress toward realizing the 2030 Agenda and ensuring the RTD for all.
The session will feature a general debate, a discussion on proposed studies, and four interactive dialogues with representatives from Member States, civil society, practitioners, and experts. We are committed to ensuring that these four dialogues are concrete, drawing upon effective experiences, good practices, and strategies to address pressing development needs.
- Opening of the session
- Adoption of the agenda and programme of work.
- General debate.
- Implementation of the mandate and programme of work:
- Consideration of thematic studies:
- Right to development in international development cooperation (Concept Note)
- Individual and collective dimensions of the right to development (Concept Note)
- Focused thematic discussions:
- Global agreements: From political commitments to contractual or legal obligations and their impact on the right to development (Concept Note/Flyer)
- Mr. Robert Kayinamura, Deputy Permanent Representative of Rwanda
- Mr. Kavish Bisseswar, Permanent Mission of the Netherlands
- Ms. Mara Murillo, UNEP
- Ms. Mahinour ElBadrawi, Center for Economic and Social Rights
- Realizing the RTD through North-South, South-South, Triangular, and other sui generis forms of international cooperation: Exploring complementarities and good practices (Concept Note/Flyer)
- Mr. Jorge Aranda, Deputy Permanent Representative of Portugal
- H.E. Mr. Martin Kimani, Permanent Representative of Kenya
- H.E. Mr. Norberto Moretti, Deputy Permanent Representative of Brazil
- Ms. Dima Al-Khatib, UNOSSC
- Development and climate financing: innovative tools and nature solutions to help realize the right to development (Concept Note/Flyer)
- H.E. Mr. François Jackman, Permanent Representative of Barbados
- Mr. Robert Powell, IMF
- Ms. Agnes Vinblad, Business and Industry Major Group
- Ms. Savina Ammassari, UN Resident Coordinator in Gabon (video message)
- Round-table with key stakeholders on cross-cutting issues (Concept Note/Presentation [Spanish/English]/Flyer)
- H.E. Mr. Osama Mahmoud Abdelkhalek Mahmoud, Permanent Representative of Egypt
- H.E. Mr. Brian Christopher Manley Wallace, Permanent Representative of Jamaica
- Ms. Amber Parkes, UN Women Policy Specialist
- Ms. Foteini Papagioti, Women’s Major Group
- Ms. Charvi Duggal, Major Group for Children and Youth
- Global agreements: From political commitments to contractual or legal obligations and their impact on the right to development (Concept Note/Flyer)
- Consideration of thematic studies:
- Conclusion of the session.
Participation is possible in the public meetings where simultaneous interpretation in the six official languages will be made available.
States, United Nations mechanisms, bodies and specialized agencies, funds and programmes, intergovernmental organizations, regional organizations and mechanisms in the field of human rights, national human rights institutions and other relevant national bodies, academics and experts on development issues, and non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council are allowed to ask for the floor and intervene, in that order.
All participants are requested to register using indico. Delegations are kindly reminded to submit copies of their statements to [email protected] prior to delivery.
List of speakers:
The list of speakers will open in the room at the beginning of each meeting. To pre-register in the list, please send an email to [email protected].
Time limit:
General Debate: 10 minutes for group statements, 7 minutes for national statements, and 7 minutes for statements by IGOs, the UN, and other stakeholders.
Interactive dialogues: 3 minutes for all participants from the floor. Participants may take the floor more than once if time allows.
- Provisional agenda
- Programme of work
- Technical note
- Concept Note for the study on “Right to development in international development cooperation”
- Concept Note for the study on “Individual and collective dimensions of the right to development”
- Concept Note for the focused thematic discussion “Global agreements: From political commitments to contractual or legal obligations and their impact on the RTD”
- Concept Note for the focused thematic discussion “Realizing the RTD through North-South, South-South, Triangular, and other sui generis forms of international cooperation: Exploring complementarities and good practices”
- Concept Note for the focused thematic discussion “Development and climate financing: innovative tools and nature solutions to help realize RTD
- Concept Note for the “Round-table with key stakeholders on cross-cutting issues”
- Presentation [Spanish/English] for the “Round-table with key stakeholders on cross-cutting issues”
- Opening statement by Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, Ms. Ilze Brands Kehris
- The Ninth Session of the EMRTD Concluding remarks by the Chair, Isabelle Durant
Live streaming
- First meeting, Wednesday 1 May 10h – 13h (Opening / Adoption PoW /General Debate / Consideration of studies)
- Second meeting, Wednesday 1 May 15h – 18h (Global agreements: From political commitments to contractual or legal obligations and their impact on the right to development)
- Third meeting, Thursday 2 May 10h – 13h (Realizing the RTD different forms of international cooperation / Development and climate financing)
- Fourth meeting, Thursday 2 May 15h – 18h (Roundtable on cross-cutting issues / conclusion of the sesson)