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Third session of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group to elaborate the content of an international regulatory framework, without prejudging the nature thereof, relating to the activities of private military and security companies

On 28 September 2017, the Human Rights Council in its resolution 36/11 decided to establish a new open-ended intergovernmental working group, for a period of three years, with a mandate to elaborate the content of an international regulatory framework, without prejudging the nature thereof, to protect human rights and ensure accountability for violations and abuses relating to the activities of private military and security companies, to be informed by the discussion document on elements for an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring and oversight of the activities of private military and security companies, as prepared by the Chair-Rapporteur, and further inputs from Member States and other stakeholders.

The Human Rights Council also acknowledged the importance of providing the working group with the expertise and expert advice necessary to fulfil its mandate, and decided that the working group shall invite experts and all relevant stakeholders to participate in its work. The Council invited the contributions of Governments, relevant special procedure mandate holders and mechanisms of the Human Rights Council, the treaty bodies, regional groups, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, the industry and other stakeholders with relevant expertise, including the Co-Chairs of the Montreux Document Forum and the International Code of Conduct Association. 

The first session of the intergovernmental working group took place place in 2019 at Palais des Nations, room XX, and was presented at the 42nd session of the Human Rights Council. The report is available at

On 6 October 2020, the Human Rights Council in its resolution 45/16 decided to renew the mandate of the open-ended intergovernmental working group for a period of three years, with the same mandate as in resolution 36/11

The second session of the intergovernmental working group took place from 26 to 30 April 2021. The report is available at A/HRC/48/65 ( 

Ahead of the third session, the Chair-Rapporteur released the zero draft of an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring and oversight over the activities of private military and security companies, which was discussed during two informal intersessional consultations which took place on 4 and 5 of April 2022.  On the basis of input gathered during these consultations, and in line with paragraph 80 of the progress report on the second session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group presented at the forty-eight session of the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/48/65), the Chair-Rapporteur circulated the revised zero draft instrument on an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring of and oversight over the activities of private military and security companies before the third session.

The third session of the intergovernmental working group mandated to elaborate the content of an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring and oversight of the activities of private military and security companies took place from 9 to 13 May 2022. During the third session, the revised zero draft instrument on an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring of and oversight over the activities of private military and security companies served as the basis for negotiations.

For further enquiries, please send a message to [email protected]


Only UN Member and Observer States, specialized agencies and other international organizations, national human rights institutions with "A status" accreditation, and NGOs with ECOSOC consultative status may attend and participate in the public meetings of the OEIGWG. 

All registration and accreditation requests must be made online through UNOG’s Indico system

Please create an Indico account or log in to an existing one, and then proceed to the registration form for the 3rd session of the OEIGWG. Specific instructions based on type of delegation may be found below.

If you have any questions regarding the Indico registration system, please consult the Indico help page, consult the Indico FAQ, or send specific questions to the OEIGWG Secretariat at [email protected]

UN Member and Observer State Delegations
All UN Member and Observer States may participate in the OEIGWG session.

Requesting Accreditation

In addition to filling in the required information on the registration form, members of State delegations are kindly asked to attach a scanned Note Verbale, made out to the OEIGWG Secretariat at OHCHR, indicating all members of the delegation wishing to attend the session. This file should be uploaded in the section entitled "Mandatory documents for participants to the session."

International Organizations

Specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations and entities that have permanent observer status or an invitation to participate as observers in the sessions of the Human Rights Council may attend and participate in the public meetings of the OEIGWG.

Requesting Accreditation

In addition to filling in the required information on the registration form, members of international organizations are kindly asked to attach a scanned letter, made out to the OEIGWG Secretariat at OHCHR, indicating all members of the delegation wishing to attend the session. This file should be uploaded in the section entitled “Mandatory documents for participants to the session.”

National Human Rights Institutions

National human rights institutions (NHRIs) with “A status” accreditation, the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions, and regional coordinating bodies of NHRIs (speaking on behalf of its “A status” members) may attend and participate in the public meetings of the OEIGWG.

Members of NHRIs that do not have “A status” accreditation may still be able to observe the session from the public gallery and attend side events.

Requesting Accreditation

In addition to filling in the required information on the registration form, national human rights institutions are kindly asked to attach a scanned letter, made out to the OEIGWG Secretariat at OHCHR, fulfilling the following criteria:

  • Drafted on the official letterhead of the organization;
  • Contains the title and dates of the session the NHRI wishes to attend: E.g., "[Name of NHRI], having “A status” accreditation with GANHRI, wishes to send the following members to attend the 3nd session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on PMSCs (9-13 May 2022)";
  • Contains the full name (FAMILY NAME, First name) of each person who will represent the NHRI at the session; and
  • Signed by the President or Main Representative of the NHRI.

This letter should be uploaded in the section entitled “Mandatory documents for participants to the session.”

Non-governmental Organizations

Only NGOs with ECOSOC consultative status at the time of the session may attend and participate in the public meetings of the OEIGWG.  Representatives from NGOs with pending ECOSOC status or no ECOSOC status cannot be accredited.

If you are not entitled to participate in the public meetings, you may still be able to observe the session from the public gallery.

Requesting Accreditation

In addition to filling in the required information on the registration form, NGOs are kindly asked to attach a scanned letter, made out to the OEIGWG Secretariat at OHCHR, fulfilling the following criteria:

  • Drafted on the official letterhead of the organization;
  • Contains the title and dates of the session the NGO wishes to attend: E.g., "[Name of NGO], in consultative status with ECOSOC, wishes to send the following members to attend the 3nd session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on PMSCs (9-13 May 2022)";
  • Contains the full name (FAMILY NAME, First name) of each person who will represent the organization at the session; and
  • Signed by the person designated as the President/Chief Executive Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, or Main Representative in the UN Integrated Civil Society Organizations System for Geneva in 2022: Please double check that the person signing the letter has the appropriate status in the UN iCSO System.

This letter should be uploaded in the section entitled “Mandatory documents for participants to the session.”