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46th session of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR): Accreditation


The UPR Working Group will hold its 46th session from 29 April to 10 May 2024 in Room XX, Palais des Nations, United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland.

Accreditation and issuance of badges for all delegates wishing to attend the session 

Requests for accreditation should be made online through the platform below to the Secretariat of the Universal Periodic Review as from 13 March 2024. Please allow three working days for your request to be processed.

Online request for accreditation: 

Representatives who possess a UNOG or UNHQ badge giving them access to the conference room will have unrestricted access to the respective room. However, they are also requested to register in the online system.

Representatives who do not hold an identification badge issued by the Security and Safety Section of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) or United Nations Headquarters in New York (UNHQ) should apply through the online platform

Once accreditation has been granted, a digital badge similar to a mobile boarding pass for a plane or a train is emailed to participants. The digital badge consists of a QR code and the photo uploaded on the online platform, as well as information related to the conference, meeting or event. Those who do not have a phone can simply print their badge and bring it to access the Palais des Nations.

Please be informed that the Pregny Pavilion will re-open for regular operations on 8 April 2024 and that the Pass and ID office at Pregny will resume full operations from 8 a.m. to 5:00 pm. The Peace Gate (adjacent to Place des Nations) will be reserved for access by holders of long-term badges, including staff members, who are not subject to security screening.

Palais des Nations
14 Avenue de la Paix

  • Pregny Gate - Opening hours 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Peace Gate (Accessible to long-term badge holders ONLY) - Opening hours 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Additional information can be found here: 

Please Note: When there is a large number of persons seeking to participate in a session, the Secretariat may limit the number of accredited participants.

Click here for the Accessibility guide to the Human Rights Council and the UPR Working Group for persons with disabilities. 

Access to the public gallery 

A limited number of seats in the public gallery, above Conference Room XX, is available for persons wishing to observe the proceedings of the UPR Working Group without being accredited as participants (i.e. students and academics). Access to the public gallery will be granted to individuals or groups depending on the availability of seating and other circumstances.

Individuals or groups who wish to observe the proceedings through the public gallery are required to register on the online platform

Please allow three working days for your request to be processed. Please also provide the following details during your registration:

  • Date(s) of the visit;
  • Purpose of your visit to the UPR Working Group.

For Access to the Palais des Nations: 

For NGO contribution and participation in the UPR, please see: 
