4th UPR cycle: contributions and participation of "other stakeholders" in the UPR
Through the Universal Periodic Review, the Human Rights Council will review, on a periodic basis, the fulfilment by each of the 193 United Nations Member States of their human rights obligations and commitments.
A review of a State is based on: (a) a national report prepared by the State under review; (b) a compilation of United Nations information on the State under review prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); and (c) a summary of information submitted by other stakeholders (including civil society actors, national human rights institutions and regional organizations), also prepared by OHCHR.
The review itself takes place in Geneva in a session of the Working Group on the UPR, which is composed of the 47 member States of the Human Rights Council. The review takes the form of an interactive dialogue between the State under review and the member and observer States of the Council. At the end of each review, the Working Group adopts an outcome document, which is subsequently considered and adopted by the Human Rights Council at a later session.
(a) Contributions to UPR documentation by “Other Stakeholders”, including civil society and national human rights institutions
The UPR process provides for the participation of all relevant stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), national human rights institutions (NHRIs) and regional mechanisms.
Civil society actors, NHRIs and regional mechanisms can submit written information for the report containing a summary of information submitted by other stakeholders, which is considered during the review.
Accredited stakeholders can also attend and observe the session of the UPR Working Group. Accredited stakeholders can also attend , and make oral statements, during the regular sessions of the Human Rights Council when the outcomes of the State reviews are considered.
For the 4th cycle, the updated UPR Civil Society Guide has been published: English | Français | Español.
Stakeholders – civil society organizations, national human rights institutions and regional mechanisms - should follow the technical guidelines for stakeholders submissions for the 4th cycle issued by OHCHR, to send written contributions to UPR documentation. UN entities should follow the technical guidelines for UN entities’ submissions for the 4th cycle issued by OHCHR, to send written contributions to UPR documentation.
Translation of the submission guidelines:
UN Guidelines- العربية, 中文, Español, Français, русский
NGO Guidelines- العربية, Español, Français, русский
UPR - Tips for engagement at country level for NHRIs and NGOs
The calendar of tentative deadlines for stakeholders’ submissions for the 4th cycle can be found at the following link.
Stakeholders’ submissions should be sent – according to the deadlines below - through the "On-line UPR submissions registration system" to register contributions for the UPR documentation from UN entities and stakeholders available in the following link: https://uprdoc.ohchr.org. Stakeholders should follow the Guidelines for the Use of the On-Line UPR Submissions Registration System" available in the Online system.
Important note: all UPR submissions must be submitted and received (through theOn-line system for registration of contributions) not later than the day of the given deadline (11:59 p.m. Geneva time). Late submissions will not be considered. Should organizations encounter technical problems using the Online system, please contact the UPR Submissions Helpdesk through the following email address: [email protected].
Any act of intimidation or reprisal for cooperation in the context of the UPR should be promptly reported to the UPR Secretariat ([email protected]) as well as to the reprisals team of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights ([email protected]).
(b) Participation of NGO’s in the UPR Working Group meetings and the regular sessions of the Human Rights Council
How to participate in a session of the Working Group?
NGOs in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) can be accredited to participate in the session of the Working Group as Observers.
Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31 of July 1996.
Check your NGO in the ECOSOC NGO database.
For information on how your NGO can apply for ECOSOC consultative status.
NGO Parallel Events during the 48th session of the UPR Working Group
In view of the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group (20 - 31 January 2025), NGOs with ECOSOC status may submit requests for in-person side events at Palais des Nations. The platform to request an NGO side event for the 48th session of the UPR Working Group will open on Thursday, 19 December 2024, at 12 noon (Geneva time), and close on Monday, 06 January 2025, at 17:00 (Geneva time).
Given the impact of the Strategic Heritage Plan on meeting room availability at Palais des Nations, side event slots will be allocated upon availability.
IMPORTANT: Following the successful pilot at the 47th session of the UPR Working Group, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with ECOSOC status are once again invited to submit their requests for side events for the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group (20-31 January 2025) through the new online registration platform, "EVENTS" which is accessible at the following link: https://events.ohchr.org. For a refresher on the major changes provided in the online platform “EVENTS” and the creation of NGOs’ accounts therein, please consult the Technical Guidelines for the creation of NGOs’ accounts in the EVENTS platform.
For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact OHCHR’s Civil Society Team at: [email protected].
For more information on civil society engagement in the UPR mechanism, please also view the UPR webpage for NGOs and the practical guidance included in the updated Civil Society Guide for UPR 4th cycle, also available in other OHCHR languages.
A Practical Guide for Civil Society: Information about accreditation, attending the session, access to the public gallery, requesting a room for an Information Meeting, documentation and resources, participation in general, as well as the technical guidelines for stakeholders submissions can be found in the Practical Guide for Civil Society [Download: العربية | English | Français | русский | Español] (PDF).