Universal Periodic Review - Ukraine - Reference Documents
Contributions for the Summary of Stakeholder's information
The views and/or opinions expressed in the contributions listed below are those of the contributing organizations and do not reflect in any way the views and/or opinions of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). OHCHR is not responsible for the content of the organizations’ views and/or opinions. The use and posting of the contributions do not provide any legal and/or other status to the contributing organizations or association with the OHCHR.NHRIs |
Name of organisation | Languages | Background documents |
Name of organisationUPCHR - Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner Human Rights | LanguagesEnglish-русский | Background documents |
Civil Society |
Name of organisation | Languages | Background documents |
Name of organisationAI - Amnesty International | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCCPR - Coalition Civil and Political Rights | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCLGBT - The Council of LGBT organisations of Ukraine | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationDM - Donetsk Memorial | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationEAJCW - European Association of Jehovah's Christian Witness | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationECPAT - End Child Prostitution Child Pornography Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationEPL - Environment People Law | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationEUBAMMU - European Union Border Assistance Mission Moldova and Ukraine | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationHRF - Human Rights First | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 1 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 2 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 3 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 4 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 5 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 6 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 7 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 8 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 9 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 10 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 11 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 12 - Joint Submission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationL4L - Lawyers for Lawyers | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationM'ART - Youth Alternative | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationRSF - Reporters Without Borders | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationUCOPD - Ukraine Coalition of Organizations of People with Disabilities | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationUHHRU - Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationUNPO - Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationUWC - Ukranian World Congress | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationWFUWO - World Federation of Ukranian Women's Organisation | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Others |
Name of organisation | Languages | Background documents |
Name of organisationCoE - Council of Europe | Languages English | Background documents |