Universal Periodic Review - Ireland - Reference Documents
The views and/or opinions expressed in the contributions listed below are those of the contributing organizations and do not reflect in any way the views and/or opinions of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). OHCHR is not responsible for the content of the organizations’ views and/or opinions. The use and posting of the contributions do not provide any legal and/or other status to the contributing organizations or association with the OHCHR.
Contributions for the Summary of Stakeholder's information
Civil Society | ||
Name of organisation | Languages | Background documents |
Name of organisationAfri - Action from Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationAI - Amnesty International | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationAkiDwA - Akina Dadawa Africa | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationARA - Adoption Rights Alliance | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationAREA - Autism Rights Equality Alliance | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationAtheist - Irl | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationBecket Fund - Becket Fund for Religious Liberty | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCairde | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCDLP - Centre Disability Law Policy National University Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCMHC - Children ’s Mental Health Coalition | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCnG - Conradhna Gaeilge | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCORI - Conference Religious Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCSHF - Cork Social Housing Forum | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationDL - Doras Luimní | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationDóchas | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationEFI - Equality for Fathers Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationELN - European Life Network | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationENAR - Irl - European Network Against Racism Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationERI - Edmund Rice International | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationET - Educate Together | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationFLAC - Free Legal Advice Centres | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationFLAC - TC - Free Legal Advice Centre Trinity College | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationGIEACPC - Global Initiative End All Corporal Punishment Children | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationGLEN - Gay Lesbian Equality Network | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationGLSN - Grassroots Leadership Support Network | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationGRSG - Galway Refugee Support Group | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationHAI - Humanist Association Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationHP - Hope Project | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationICHR - Irish Centre Human Rights | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationICI - Immigrant Council Ireland - Annex 1 | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationICI - Immigrant Council Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationICTU - Irish Congress Trade Unions | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationIHF - Irish Heart Foundation | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationIHRC - Islamic Human Rights Commission | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationIIFCR - Iona Institute Freedom Conscience Religion | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationIPRT - Irish Penal Reform Trust | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationISPCC -Irish Society Prevention Cruelty Children | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJFM - Justice for Magdalenes | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 1 - Joint Submission 1 - Your Rights Right Now | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 2 - Joint Submission 2 | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 3 - Joint Submission 3 | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 4 - Joint Submission 4 | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationJS 5 - Joint Submission 5 | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationMLRC - Mercy Law Resource Centre | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationMRCI - Migrant Rights Centre Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationNAAR - NGO Alliance Against Racism | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationNCFEL - National Council Forum End of Life | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationNCP - New Communities Partnerships Network | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationNWCI - National Women's Council Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationOLGLM - Our Lady Guadalupe Life Movement | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationPLC - Pro-Life Campaign | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationPPTC - Pavee Point Travellers Centre | LanguagesEnglish | Background documentsAnnex 1 |
Name of organisationRG - Rehab Group | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationRRAP - Rialto Rights Action Project | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationSSea - Shellto Sea | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationSWatch - Shannon watch | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationTI - I - Transparency International Ireland | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationTO - Table Observers | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Others | ||
Name of organisation | Languages | Background documents |
Name of organisationCoE - Council of Europe - Commissioner | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCoE - Council of Europe - CPT | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCoE - Council of Europe - ECRI | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCoE - Council of Europe - ECSR | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |
Name of organisationCoE - Council of Europe - GRECO | LanguagesEnglish | Background documents |