Universal Periodic Review - Nepal - Reference Documents
Contributions for the Summary of Stakeholder's information
The views and/or opinions expressed in the contributions listed below are those of the contributing organizations and do not reflect in any way the views and/or opinions of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). OHCHR is not responsible for the content of the organizations’ views and/or opinions. The use and posting of the contributions do not provide any legal and/or other status to the contributing organizations or association with the OHCHR.NHRIs |
Name of organisation | Languages | Background documents |
Name of organisation National Institutions - Joint Submission | Languages English | Background documents |
Civil Society |
Name of organisation | Languages | Background documents |
Name of organisationAI - Amnesty International | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationALRC - The Asian Legal Resource Centre and Advocacy Forum | Languages English | Background documents1
Name of organisationArticle 19 | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationBDS - Blue Diamond Society | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationBecket Fund | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationBICE - The International Catholic Child Bureau | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationCSW - Christian Solidarity Worldwide | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationDialog forum - Joint Submission | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationECPAT - ECPAT International | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationEI - Education International | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationFIAN - Food First Information Action Network | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationGIEACPC - Global Initiative End Corporal Punishment | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationICJ - International Commission of Jurists | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationICT - International Campaign for Tibet | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationJC - Jubilee Campaign | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationNGO Coalitions Joint Submission | Languages English | Background documents1 2
Name of organisationRSF - Reporters Without Borders | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationSCN - Save the Children Nepal | Languages English | Background documents |
Name of organisationUNPO - The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization | Languages English | Background documents |
Others |
Name of organisation | Languages | Background documents |