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Please read the following guidelines before embarking on this effort to ensure that your work is easily and promptly added to our website.

How to Submit

Please send all submissions to [email protected], with UDHR Submission(name of translation) in the subject title, as an attached document.

If you cannot type or scan the version yourself you may mail it to:

Methodology, Education and Training Unit
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10

What to Submit

In addition to the translation, kindly provide the following information: Name of language/dialect

  • Name of individual or organization which did the translation
  • A short linguistic history of the language/dialect
  • Total number of speakers of the language/dialect
  • A list of countries where the language/dialect is spoken 

Preferred File Formats

  • PDF
  • Word
  • Other word processing formats
  • HTML Submissions

PDF Submissions

The PDF file is intended for printing the UDHR on paper, and for viewing for those translations that are not easily viewable in HTML. Thus, the PDF file should be simple and not contain a lot of extraneous formatting. All special fonts should be embedded in the PDF file. When in doubt check on another machine that does not have the special fonts installed.