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UN staff, including eight OHCHR colleagues, detained in Yemen

OHCHR calls for their immediate release.

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UN human rights materials


If you are completely new to UN human rights documentation, the good place to start will be the Human Rights section of the UN Documents Research Guide prepared by the UN Library in New York.

Please contact the library at [email protected] if you need further assistance or training.

The following databases and catalogues can be searched to retrieve UN documents or information on human rights.

UN databases

Universal Human Rights Index
Documents of treaty bodies, special procedures and ad hoc

Charter-basedbodies database
Documents of charter-based bodies

Treaty-based bodies database
Documents of treaty-based bodies

ODS – Official Document System
Official UN documents

UN Treaties Collection
International instruments,  status of ratifications

UN Yearbook
Detailed overview of UN activities from 1946

Audiovisual Library of International Law
Procedural history, status of ratifications, etc. of international instruments

Jurisprudence emanating from the United Nations Treaty Bodies which receive and consider complaints from individuals

Library catalogues

OHCHR Library catalogue

UNOG Library catalogue

UN Library catalogue
(New York)

RERO Explore
(Library Network of Western Switzerland. For items located in Geneva that are not available at the OHCHR Library)