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UN staff, including eight OHCHR colleagues, detained in Yemen

OHCHR calls for their immediate release.

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Special Rapporteur on discrimination against persons with leprosy (Hansen’s disease)

The Special Rapporteur is mandated by HRC resolution 44/6:

  1. To follow up and report on progress made and measures taken by States for the effective implementation of the principles and guidelines and to make recommendations to the Human Rights Council in this regard;
  2. To engage in dialogue and consult with States and other relevant stakeholders to identify, exchange and promote good practices relating to the realization of the rights of persons affected by leprosy and their family members;
  3. To raise awareness of the rights of persons affected by leprosy and their family members and to combat stigmas, prejudices and harmful traditional practices and beliefs; and
  4. To report annually to the Human Rights Council and to report also to the General Assembly, starting from its seventy-sixth session.

Working methods

In the discharge of her mandate the Special Rapporteur:

  1. Transmits urgent appeals and letters of allegation to Member States on alleged violations of the rights of persons affected by leprosy and their family members. The Special Rapporteur summarises these communications as well as replies received from Governments in an annual report submitted to the Human Rights Council.
  2. Undertakes fact-finding country visits.
  3. Submits annual reports covering activities relating to the mandate to the Human Rights Council.