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Countering religious hatred constituting incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence

OHCHR and minorities

On 12 July 2023, the Human Rights Council adopted its resolution 53/1, entitled “Countering religious hatred constituting incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence”.

In the resolution, the Human Rights Council requested the High Commissioner to present at its fifty-fourth session an oral update on the various drivers, root causes and human rights impacts of religious hatred constituting incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, highlighting gaps in existing national, legal, policy and law enforcement frameworks in particular in the context of the urgent debate, held at the fifty-third session of the Human Rights Council, to be followed by an interactive dialogue at its fifty-fourth session (operative paragraph 4).

It also decided to organize an interactive panel discussion of experts at its fifty-fifth session on these issues, and to propose normative, legal, policy and administrative deterrence measures, both offline and online, to counter such acts of religious hatred that constitute incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence against individuals based on their religion or belief, and also hinders full enjoyment of their fundamental rights and freedoms, and invited the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to liaise with States, relevant special procedures, civil society and other stakeholders with a view to ensuring their participation in the panel discussion (operative paragraph 5).

Finally, the Human Rights Council requested the Office to present a report on the deliberations of the panel discussion to the Human Rights Council at its fifty-sixth session (operative paragraph 6), please see the summary report A/HRC/56/39.

With a view to implementation of Human Rights Council resolution 53/1, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights would welcome any written contributions concerning the various drivers, root causes and human rights impacts of religious hatred constituting incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, highlighting gaps in existing national, legal, policy and law enforcement frameworks. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights sent notes verbales of 26 September 2023 to all permanent missions (in EnglishFrench and Spanish) as well as a related call for inputs to other stakeholders.

Public statements by the High Commissioner for Human Rights:

See also the concept note of the roundtable brainstorming on how to address religious hatred (9 November 2023, OHCHR/Geneva Academy) as well as the peer-to-peer learning and action points on “Faith for Rights” (November 2023).

OHCHR and minorities