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UN staff, including eight OHCHR colleagues, detained in Yemen

OHCHR calls for their immediate release.

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Annual appeal

Annual Appeal 2020


01 December 2019

The United Nations Human Rights Appeal is an annual appeal for support to the United Nations human rights programme. The 2020 Appeal provides an overview of the Office’s work in facts and figures; highlights OHCHR’s work in 2019; elaborates on strategic projects and focus areas; includes management, funding and budget-related information; provides a synopsis of OHCHRadministered trust funds; and explains how contributions from Member States, international organizations, foundations, non-governmental organizations and individuals may be made to OHCHR. The Appeal outlines OHCHR’s roadmap to 2021 and calls on all governments to increase their support of the UN’s human rights work and activities in 2020, highlighting the significance of the Office’s global reach, technical expertise and trusted partnerships and the ongoing need to assist in building greater inclusion, justice, dignity, freedom, sustainable development and peace.

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