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To get started, read our quick guide on submitting information about reprisals:

The following mechanisms have developed ways to address and respond to allegations of intimidation and reprisal against those cooperating with them or with the UN in general.

UN body/mechanismContact information
Human Rights CouncilNGO Liaison team of the Human Rights Council Secretariat: [email protected]
Universal Periodic ReviewUPR Secretariat: [email protected]
Special procedures mandate holdersYou can submit using the on-line submission form and/or respective email address (see list of email addresses) of country and thematic mandates
Treaty Bodies

Allegations of cases of intimidation and reprisals may be addressed to the UN body or mechanism where the cooperation took place. They can also be reported directly to [email protected] to facilitate coordination and follow-up. Other secure channels of communication are available upon request.  Alleged cases and patterns can be reported throughout the year.

Please note that the informed consent of the alleged victim is a prerequisite for the information to be reported and for any action to be taken.