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Women’s rights, Violence Against Women and Reproductive Rights

The Association des femmes volontaires pour l’agriculture et le développement in Guinea organized two training workshops on women’s rights and the prevention of female genital mutilation for 32 women from two rural areas. These women are now themselves training other women from their communities. A special event was organized with 263 children, among which 173 girls on the above mentioned issues.

The 37 th Promotion de medicine of the Medicine Faculty of ConakryUniversity in Guinea organized a conference on unexpected maternity in schools and two other ones on HIV/AIDS and related rights and stigma. 160 students attended the events.

Children’s Rights

The Fondation pour l’étude, le développement et la promotion du droit en Guinée produced a documentary on the situation of children’s rights in Guinea. Contacts were established with relevant Ministries and institutions in order to film and interview about 45 children. However, the NGO encountered obstacles when they planned to shoot young prisoners. The documentary was presented during workshops on children’s rights in schools.