UN staff, including eight OHCHR colleagues, detained in Yemen
OHCHR calls for their immediate release.
The Disabled Organization for Legal Affairs and Social Economic Development organized and conducted three 2-day training workshops on the rights of children with disabilities in three rural areas of Tanzania. The workshops were attended by representatives of local administrative and civil society associations as well as religious institutions, journalists, and parents of children with disabilities. A total of 105 people took part in the workshops. The grant recipient produced materials on the rights of the disabled and distributed them during the workshops. Data on children with disabilities were collected and presented to local government officials so as to be taken into consideration in the formulation of new policies. In this regard, the NGO made concrete recommendations to local authorities.
Dogodogo Center Street Children Trust conducted activities aiming at raising people awareness on children’s rights. Activities included the organization of two workshops for teachers and police officers in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. Presentations were made on topics addressing issues such as: the effects of HIV/AIDS on children, difficulties in implementing children’s rights and the role of the judiciary system in strengthening children’s rights. At the end of the workshop, the evaluation seminar showed that 80% of the participants acquired knowledge about children’s rights. Theatre and music performances spreading messages on children’s rights, peace and HIV/AIDS were organized in targeted areas. 20 CD copies and 30 audio tapes were produced and distributed to radio stations.