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Racial Discimination and Minority Rights

In Tonga, the Tonga Community Development Trust conducted three theatre performances in order to raise people awareness on racial discrimination. Theatre performances on the above mentioned subject were played in twenty one schools and villages reaching out 4181 people. The audience showed openness and interest towards the dramas. Discussions and debate over discrimination were held at the end of each theatre performance and revealed that people were not always aware of existing racial discrimination attitudes to which minority communities are confronted in their daily life. Human rights awareness raising programs were also carried out in schools where students were invited to reflect on human rights issues and to submit articles for publication in the local youth magazine Le’o e Kaha’u (Voice of the future). The project reportedly has contributed towards improving and promoting tolerance among Tonga communities.

Catholic Women’s League conducted a four-day workshop aiming at raising people awareness on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in Tonga. Issues addressed during the workshop included: principle standards of protection and care of the child, children’s rights, family responsibilities, and analysis of misconceptions on the CRC and CERD. Approximately forty three Tongans benefited from the training which was conducted in the Tongan language. They expressed eagerness to share and disseminate what they had learnt through the organization and planning of other training workshops. Participants also requested more information on specific articles of the conventions, expressing a growing interest in international human rights treaties. Further to the recommendations adopted during the workshop, the organization decided to conduct additional workshops on racial discrimination.