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Human Rights Awareness Raising on selected topics

In Uzbekistan, the Uzbek Association of International Law produced and published citizens handling complaints guidelines for the use of community leaders. Approximately 550 copies were distributed with a legal awareness dictionary. The organization also established a legal clinic which provides legal assistance to citizens on issues such as property law, inheritance, workers compensation, and disseminated information on new Uzbek laws. A conference aiming at raising Makhallah leaders (community leaders) on improving and developing legal assistance and consultation to the citizens of the community was also organized and broadcast in Russian and Uzbek languages.

The Center for Democratic Initiatives organized a human rights training workshop aiming at strengthening skills and knowledge of civil society organizations of Urgut district in Samarkand region, Uzbekistan. Topics addressed during the workshop included concept and philosophy of human rights, overview of the United Nations human rights protection system, human rights treaty bodies, mandates and working methods of Special Rapporteurs, reporting and communication procedures. The training workshop also sought to provide a forum for participants to discuss the role of civil society in promoting and protecting human rights. At the conclusion of the training workshop, most participants expressed eagerness to share and disseminate what they had learnt through the organization and planning of other training workshops. As an outcome of the project and based on the training and discussion handouts, a human rights handbook was prepared and distributed among the participants. Follow up activities adopted at the end of the workshop included the drafting of communications with the assistance of the Urgut District Department of the Center for Democratic Initiatives.

Rights of persons with disabilities

Adolat conducted activities aiming at protecting and promoting the rights of children with disabilities in the city of Kokand, Rishtan and Dangara in Uzbekistan. 20 seminars,10 puppet shows and 1 conference on the topic “My Rights” were organized reaching out 118 adults and 400 children. An advocacy campaign was also conducted on the theme “Accessibility of persons with disabilities to public infrastructures facilities”. As an outcome of the project, several local administrations committed themselves to build ramps and improve public infrastructures. 20 types of handouts outlining the rights of people with disabilities were distributed and posters on “Accessibility of disabled people to public infrastructures facilities” were disseminated. The trainees engaged themselves to duplicate the knowledge they acquired during the workshop and to train and educate other people.