Consultation on Cultural rights and public spaces
In her 2019 thematic report to the General Assembly, the Special Rapporteur will consider how actors from across the cultural ecosystem access and use public spaces, identify the challenges they face and the strategies they develop to overcome them, and analyse the impact this has on their cultural rights.
The Special Rapporteur will address multifaceted issues at stake, such as impediments in public spaces to cultural expression, the organization of cultural events, the conduct of cultural practices and the use of languages. She will consider the presence or absence of cultural narratives in public spaces, for example in the form of symbols, memorials, architecture or advertising.
Please note that the term "public spaces" in its plural form aims at underlining the plurality and diversity of "public spaces" and their differences in nature and scope. Public spaces may include, for example, not only urban but also rural and natural spaces, real and virtual spaces. Various degrees of privatization may affect public spaces. This may require different measures be adopted to ensure the realization of cultural rights.
The Special Rapporteur invites all concerned stakeholders, including States, United Nations agencies, academics, experts, artists, scientists, cultural workers and practitioners, as well as civil society organizations, to answer to a questionnaire, in order to benefit from their diverse views and experiences.
Letter: English | Français | Español |
Questionnaire: English | Français | Español |
Note Verbale: English | Français | Español |
The Special Rapporteur thanks all those who have submitted information in response to the call for submission.
Responses from States
- Azerbaijan
- Colombia
- Ecuador
- El Salvador Note | Responses
- Guatemala Note | Responses
- Iraq
- Italy
- Mali
- Mauritius
- Mexico Note | Responses
- Norway Ministry of Culture | Media authority
- Pakistan Note | Responses
- Qatar
- Senegal Note | Responses
- Togo
- Ukraine Note | Responses
- Venezuela
Responses from NHRIs
Responses from cities or local governments
- Diputacio de Barcelona, Spain
- Distrito Federal y Brasilia, Brazil
- City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Unidad Temática de Culturas de Mercociudades (La Paz, Sao Paulo, Santo André y Montevideo)
- Nouakchott, Mauritania
- Conseil départemental de la Seine Saint Denis, France
- Municipio de San Salvador
- Terrassa City Council, Spain
Responses from other stakeholders
- Aleyna Günay
- Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB)
- Association nationale de promotion et de protection des droits de l'homme, Cameroun
- Beatriz Barreiro Carril Responses | annex 1 | 2
- CADAL Argentina 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
- Centinelas del Patrimonio
- Collectif des Experts et Entrepreneurs Culturels, Cameroun
- Dirigente de mi comunidad, Dominican Republic
- Dublin City Council Culture Company Strategy
- Emek Shaveh, Israel
- Equal Ground, Sri Lanka
- Escuela de gente, Brazil
- European Association of Archeologists
- Fédération des arts de la rue Note | Manifeste
- Førde Traditional and World Music Festival
- Freemuse
- Global Platform for the Right to the City / Habitat International Coalition
- In Situ, European network for artistic creation in public space
- International Commission of Jurists
- International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
- Kayan Feminist Organization
- Les oiseaux de passage / Hôtel du Nord
- Racines
- Ramde Harouna
- Sandra Gutierrez Poizat
- Soufia Bham & Jason Lily
- Sumaira Malik
- Suwarut Chutiwongpeti
- Temba Middelmann
- United cities and Local Governments, UCLG, Culture Commission
Other contributions
The Special Rapporteur also thanks all those who have contributed to the consultation in their expert capacities, providing advice and examples on specific themes and parts of the draft report, in particular Georgios Artopoulos, Christelle Blouët, Laurence Cuny, Silvio Ferrari, Marco Kusumawijaya, Laetitia Lafforgue, Janett Jimenez Santos, David McGillivray, Tove Malloy, Magdalena Moreno Mujica, Svetlana Mintcheva, Jordi Pascual, Ole Reitov, Andreas Wiesand, Marcus Zepf and Ana Zuvela.