UN staff, including eight OHCHR colleagues, detained in Yemen
OHCHR calls for their immediate release.
Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions
Statement of the Special Rapporteur on Commercial Airlines and conflict zones: Recommendations to strengthen air safety and prevent of unlawful deaths (PDF)
7 January 2021
Unofficial Russian translation of communication RUS 11/2020 concerning the attempted killing and poisoning of Mr. Alexei Navalny (PDF)
30 December 2020
Unofficial Farsi translation of communication IRN 28/2020 on the shooting down of UIA Flight PS752 (PDF)
24 December 2020
Joint Statement on recent violent escalations during youth-led protests around the world (PDF)
30 October 2020
Extra-territorial jurisdiction of States over children and their guardians in camps, prisons, or elsewhere in the northern Syrian Arab Republic: Legal Analysis (PDF)
Statement of the Special Rapporteur on the draft resolution on the financing of terrorism to be adopted by the United Nations Security Council (PDF)
22 March 2019
Statement delivered by the Special Rapporteur on the occasion of the conference "The Real Score: A National conference on Upholding Life, Dignity and Justice", held in Manila, Philippines (PDF)
6 December 2018
Comments Regarding the Persecutory Grounds in the Draft Crimes Against Humanity Convention (PDF)
30 November 2018
Comments Regarding the Definition of Gender in the Draft Crimes Against Humanity Convention (PDF)
30 November 2018
Joint letter to the United Nations Secretary-General calling for an international investigation of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi (PDF)
20 November 2018