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UN staff, including eight OHCHR colleagues, detained in Yemen

OHCHR calls for their immediate release.

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Activities of the Special Rapporteur

The Special Rapporteur implements the mandate through different means and activities such as:

  • Presenting annual reports to the Human Rights Council and to the General Assembly on the activities and studies undertaken in the view of the implementation of the mandate (see Annual thematic reports)
  • Monitoring the situation of the right to food throughout the world
  • Identifying general trends related to the right to food and undertakes country visits which provide the Special Rapporteur with a firsthand account on the situation concerning the right to food in a specific country (see Country visits)
  • Communicating with States and other concerned parties with regard to alleged cases of violations of the right to food (including comments on legislation and policy) and other issues related to the mandate
  • Promoting the full realization of the right to food through dialogue with relevant actors by participating in seminars, conferences, expert meetings

Scope of the Mandate

The scope of this mandate as endorsed by Human Rights Council resolution 6/2 consists of the following:

  1. To promote the full realization of the right to food and the adoption of measures at national, regional and international levels for the realization of the right of everyone to adequate food, and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger so as to be able fully to develop and maintain their physical and mental capacities;
  2. To examine ways and means of overcoming existing and emerging obstacles to the realization of the right to food;
  3. To continue mainstreaming a gender perspective and taking into account an age dimension in the fulfilment of the mandate, considering that women and children are disproportionately affected by hunger, food insecurity and poverty;
  4. To present recommendations on steps toward achieving the full realization of the right to food, including steps to promote the conditions for everyone to be free from hunger and to be able to enjoy fully the right to food, taking into account lessons learnt in the implementation of national plans to combat hunger;
  5. To work in with all States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as with other relevant actors, to take fully into account the need to promote the effective realization of the right to food for all, including in the ongoing negotiations in different fields;
  6. To continue participating in and contributing to relevant international conferences and events with the aim of promoting the realization of the right to food.

Resolutions and Decisions of the Human Rights Council




40th A/HRC/RES/40/7 The right to food
37th A/HRC/RES/37/10 The right to food
34th A/HRC/RES/34/12 The right to food
28th A/HRC/RES/28/10 The right to food
25th A/HRC/RES/25/14 The right to food
32nd A/HRC/RES/32/8 The right to food
31st A/HRC/RES/31/10 The right to food
22nd A/HRC/RES/22/9 The right to food
19th A/HRC/RES/19/7 The right to food
16th A/HRC/RES/16/27 The right to food
13th A/HRC/RES/13/4 The right to food
12th A/HRC/RES/12/10 Follow-up to the seventh special session of the Human Rights Council on the negative impact of the worsening of the world food crisis on the realization of the right to food for all
10th A/HRC/RES/10/12 The right to food
9th A/HRC/RES/9/6 Follow up of the seventh special session of the Human Rights Council devoted to the negative impact of the worsening of the world food crisis on the realization of the right to food for all
7th SS A/HRC/S-7/L.1/Rev.1 Draft resolution: The negative impact of the worsening of the world food crisis on the realization of the right to food for all
7th A/HRC/RES/7/14 The right to food
6th A/HRC/RES/6/8 Human rights and equitable access to safe drinking water and sanitation
6th A/HRC/RES/6/2 Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food
2nd A/HRC/DEC/2/104 Human rights and access to water

Resolutions of the General Assembly




74th A/RES/74/149 The right to food
73th A/RES/73/171 The right to food
72th A/RES/72/173 The right to food
71th A/RES/71/191 The right to food
70th A/RES/70/154 The right to food
69th A/RES/69/174 The right to food
68th A/RES/68/177 The right to food
67th A/RES/67/174 The right to food
66th A/RES/66/158 The right to food
65th A/RES/65/220 The right to food
64th A/RES/64/159 The right to food
63rd A/RES/63/187 The right to food
62nd A/RES/62/164 The right to food
61st A/RES/61/163 The right to food
60th A/RES/60/165 The right to food
59th A/RES/59/202 The right to food
58th A/RES/58/186 The right to food
57th A/RES/57/226 The right to food
56th A/RES/56/155 The right to food

In addition, the Commission on Human Rights issued the following resolutions regarding the right to food and the mandate of the Special Rapporteur:




61st E/CN.4/RES/2005/18
English | Français | Español
The right to food
60th E/CN.4/RES/2004/19
English | Français | Español
The right to food
59th E/CN.4/RES/2003/25
English | Français | Español
The right to food
58th E/CN.4/RES/2002/25
English | Français | Español
The right to food
57th E/CN.4/RES/2001/25
English | Français | Español

The right to food

56th E/CN.4/RES/2000/10
English | Français | Español

The right to food

55th E/CN.4/RES/1999/2
English | Français | Español

The right to food

54th E/CN.4/RES/1998/23
English | Français | Español

The right to food

53rd E/CN.4/RES/1997/8
English | Français | Español
The right to food