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UN staff, including eight OHCHR colleagues, detained in Yemen

OHCHR calls for their immediate release.

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Upon invitation from governments, the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances conducts official country visits. During these visits, the Working Group meets with all relevant stakeholders and examines matters related to enforced disappearances. In preparing its visits, the Working Group welcomes information from all relevant stakeholders focusing in particular on:

  1. The compliance of the domestic legal framework with the international provisions protecting against enforced disappearances;
  2. The policy and institutional framework in place to address issues related to enforced disappearances;
  3. Measures in place to guarantee the right of victims to know the truth about the circumstances of an enforced disappearance and the fate of the disappeared person, and the right to freedom to seek, receive and impart information to this end.
  4. The right of victims to justice, and the measures taken by the State to investigate cases and bring perpetrators to justice.
  5. The right to an effective remedy, including reparation and compensation.
  6. State efforts towards the preservation of memory and the guarantee of non-repetition, including measures aimed at preventing further recurrence of enforced disappearances.  

The Working Group welcomes any additional information deemed relevant regarding enforced disappearances that it could take into consideration both in the lead up and aftermath of the visit.  

The Working Group aims at meeting with all relevant stakeholders and welcomes information on key governmental and non-governmental institutions, civil society organizations and representatives, family victim associations as well as any other pertinent stakeholder.

Information can directly be submitted to the WGEID: [email protected].

Kindly note that sources submitting information to the WGEID remain strictly confidential except express consent is given by sources to be publicly revealed.

The Working Group thanks all stakeholders for their cooperation with the mandate and its work.