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UN staff, including eight OHCHR colleagues, detained in Yemen

OHCHR calls for their immediate release.

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The Working Group submits annual thematic reports to the September session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) and to the General Assembly (GA) in October. Thematic reports document the Working Group’s findings on particular topics related to the human rights impact of mercenaries, mercenary-related activities, and private military and security companies (PMSCs). The reports provide guidance and recommendations for UN member States, civil society organizations and other stakeholders.

YearPresentedSubject of the reportTitle and link to report page
2024GA 79th sessionTrends and challenges in the financing of mercenaries and related actorsA/79/305
HRC 57th sessionRole of mercenaries, mercenary-related actors and private military and security companies in the trafficking and proliferation of armsA/HRC/57/45
2023GA 78th sessionThe Regulatory Environment for Mercenaries, Mercenary-related actors, and PMSC: A Call to ActionA/78/535
HRC 54th sessionRecruitment, including predatory recruitment, of mercenaries and mercenary-related actorsA/HRC/54/29
2022GA 77th sessionMaritime SecurityA/77/268
HRC 51st sessionAccess to justice, accountability and remedies for victims of mercenaries, mercenary-related actors and private military and security companiesA/HRC/51/25
2021GA 76th sessionProvision of military and security products and services in cyber space by “cyber mercenaries” and related actors and its human rights impactA/76/151
HRC 48th sessionHuman rights impact of PMSCs in humanitarian actionA/HRC/48/51
2020GA 75th sessionEvolving forms, trends and manifestations of mercenaries and mercenary-related activitiesA/75/259
HRC 45th sessionImpact of the use of private military and security services in immigration and border management on the protection of the rights of all migrantsA/HRC/45/9
2019GA 74th sessionGendered human rights impacts of private military and security companiesA/74/244
HRC 42nd sessionRelationship between PMSCs and the extractive industry from a human rights perspectiveA/HRC/42/42
2018GA 73rd sessionChallenges associated with mercenaries, foreign fighters and PMSCs to the realization of Sustainable Development Goal 16A/73/303
HRC 39th sessionRecruitment of children by non-State armed groups, including mercenaries and private military and security companiesA/HRC/39/49
2017GA 72nd sessionUse of private security companies in places of deprivation of liberty, and its impact on human rightsA/72/286
HRC 36th sessionGlobal Study on national regulatory framework and legislation on PMSCs (2013-2016)A/HRC/36/47
2016GA 71st sessionEvolution of the phenomena of mercenaries and foreign fightersA/71/318
HRC 33rd sessionPart IV of the Global study - National laws and regulations relating to PMSCs of selected countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), the Asia and Pacific region (Australia, New Zealand, Nauru and Papua New Guinea) and in North America (USA)A/HRC/33/43
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2015GA 70th sessionPhenomenon of foreign fighters and the possible linkages with mercenarismA/70/330
HRC 30th sessionPart III of the Global study - National laws and regulations relating to PMSCs of selected countries in Central America and the Caribbean (Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama), South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay) and Europe (France, Hungary, Switzerland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)A/HRC/30/34
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2014GA 69th sessionUse of private security companies by the United NationsA/69/338
HRC 27th sessionPart II of the Global study - National laws and regulations relating to PMSCs of selected countries in Africa (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia) and in Asia (China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka and United Arab Emirates)A/HRC/27/50
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2013GA 68th sessionReview of States’ efforts to regulate PMSCs and conclusions related to phase I of the national legislation surveyA/68/339
HRC 24th sessionPart I of the Global Study - National laws and regulations relating to PMSCs of countries in Africa (Botswana, Ghana, Gambia, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda and Zimbabwe)A/HRC/24/45
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2012GA 67th sessionUpdate on mercenary activities in Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia and Libya and the evolving role of PMSCs in Afghanistan and IraqA/67/340
HRC 21th sessionWG's engagement in processes to elaborate standards for the regulation of PMSCs at the international level and research into national regulation of PMSCsA/HRC/21/43
2011GA 66th sessionUpdate on recent activities of mercenaries and PMSCs and the issue of accountability, expert seminar on the State monopoly on the legitimate use of force, and achievements under the mandateA/66/317
HRC 18th sessionReview of the achievements of the mandate since its establishment in 2005 and the key challengesA/HRC/18/32
2010GA 65th sessionChallenges regarding the increasing privatization of security, the growing dependency on PMSCs, and the accountability of PMSCs and their personnel. Annex: Main elements of a possible draft convention on private military and security companiesA/65/325
HRC 15th sessionProgress achieved in the elaboration of a draft legal instrument for consideration and action by the Human Rights Council.
Addendum no. 1 on Communications to and from Governments
Addendum no. 4 on regional consultation in Bangkok
Addendum no. 5 on regional consultation in Addis Ababa
Addendum no. 6 on regional consultation in Geneva
2009GA 64th sessionWork on a possible new draft international convention on the regulation of PMSCs, missions to Afghanistan and USA, and summary of the regional consultation for Eastern European and Central Asian countries Annex: Status of the International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries as at 2 July 2009A/64/311
HRC 12th sessionStandards, principles and guidelines for a new international convention on regulating private military and security companies and other legal regulatory instruments
Addendum no. 1 on Communications to and from governments
Addendum no. 3 on regional consultation in Moscow
2008GA 63rd sessionOverview of developments regarding mercenaries, mercenary-related activities and PMSCs; draft principles, guidelines and criteria elaborated by the Working Group in view of the possible development of national and international regulation mechanisms to address the activities of PMSCsA/63/325
HRC 7th sessionTransnational issues, including the privatization of warfare, the activities of PMSCs, and extraterritorial and accountability issues
Addendum no. 1 on Communications to and from governments
Addendum no. 5 on regional consultation in Panama
2007GA 62nd sessionCountry situations by region in implementing certain paragraphs of GA resolution 61/151 The State as the primary holder of the use of force, also in light of the effects of the activities of PMSCs on the enjoyment of human rightsA/62/301
HRC 4th sessionThe State as the primary holder of the use of force, also in light of the effects of the activities of PMSCs on the enjoyment of human rightsA/HRC/4/42
2006GA 61st sessionMethods of work adopted by the Working Group at its first session, analysis of the responses received to a questionnaire on its mandate and activities, and effects of the activities of private companies offering military assistance, consultancy and security services on the international market on the enjoyment of human rightsA/61/341
CHR 62nd sessionResults of the Working Group’s first session, held in October 2005 (methods of work, priority areas of work, and future activities)
Addendum: meeting held in February 2006 to complete the first session