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Statements Special Procedures
04 February 2016
Amman, 4 February 2016 - Following an invitation by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, I conducted an official visit to the countryfrom 28 January to 4 February 2016 to assess the situation of trafficking in persons, especially women and children and identify the progress made and remaining challenges in combating this phenomenon.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Government for this invitation, as well as the full cooperation extended to me prior and during my visit which enabled me to obtainfirst-hand information regarding the current legislative, policy and institutional framework and programmes in place to address human trafficking.The fact that the Government welcomed my visit demonstrates the country’s commitment to combatting trafficking in persons.
In the past 8 days, I exchanged with a number of government officials from the Ministries of Justice; Social Development; Interior; Labour; Industry and Trade as well as the National, Anti-Trafficking committee; the National Council for Family Affairs; the Jordanian National Commission for women; the National Center for Human Rights. I interacted with members of the Judiciary (the court of cassation, the criminal courts, the public prosecutor’s office; the civil registry and the religious court) and the Anti-trafficking unit within the Public Security Department. I also visited the Karama shelter for victims of trafficking under the Ministry of Social Development and another one run by the Jordanian Women’s Union where I was able to interact with victims of trafficking. I also visitedthe women section of the Juwaidah Correctional and rehabilitation center and the Al Azraq refugee camp for Syrian refugees and asylum seekers. Finally, I met with representatives of the United Nations Agencies and Programmes.
Victims of trafficking in Jordan are women, men, girls and boys who are, for the most subjected to trafficking for forced labour and domestic servitude in the country. While trafficking for sexual exploitation exists, its extent is not fully known.
Jordan is a destinationfor women, men, girls and boys from Asia and Africa who are subjected to trafficking for forced labour in the construction, garment, service, and agricultural sectors. Women from Southeast Asia and East Africa voluntarily migrate to Jordan for employment as domestic workers and at times are subjected to trafficking for domestic servitude.After fleeing the abuse of their employers – a situation that leads to an irregular situation in Jordan - some domestic workers are reportedly forced into prostitution by the employment agencies. An increasing number of Syrian refugees and asylum seekers —particularly women and children—work informally in the Jordanian economy, which puts them at risk of trafficking.
To a lesser extent there is evidence of Syrian refugee women and girls being trafficked for sexual exploitation through the practice of “temporary” or forced or early marriages to Jordanians and men from the Gulf countries. There is also information indicating that women from the Middle East, North Africa and Eastern Europeend up as victims of trafficking for forced prostitution after migrating to Jordan with the false hope of working in restaurants and nightclubs. There is also anecdotal information on cases of trafficking for the purpose of organ trafficking involving Jordanians as victims.
As well as a destination country, Jordan is to a lesser extent a transit for trafficked women and girls within the region and to Europe. While information on internal trafficking of Jordanians was not available, the possibility of this form of trafficking cannot be ruled out, particularly related to early forced marriages.
Positive developments
I would like to underline Jordan’s resolve to fight trafficking in persons, as reflected by the country’s ratification of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (Palermo protocol) and other international human rights instruments including: the Slavery Convention of 1929, the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the ILO Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), ILO Abolition of Forced Labour, 1957 (No.105) and the ILO Worst Forms of Child Labour, 1999 (No.182)
Furthermore, I acknowledge the legal framework in Jordan which is primarily based on the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act (2009) aimed to eradicate trafficking in persons in Jordan. I further note other national laws and policies in the area of labour, regulation of employment agencies, immigration and refugee matters, child protection, prevention of crime including trafficking for the purpose of organ removal which complement the trafficking act. The National Anti-Trafficking Strategy (2010-2012), which is still used in spite of its cut-off date further contributes to strengthening the anti-trafficking framework.
In terms of the institutional framework, I welcome the establishment of the National Anti-Trafficking Committee, a multi-sectoral committee with members drawn from relevant ministries and government departments, chaired by the Minister of Justice. The Committee plays a coordination role with regards to the implementation of the Anti-Trafficking Act and formulates policies and programmes to prevent and combat trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants. The Anti-trafficking Unit within the Public Security Department also plays a key role in addressing human trafficking through its dedicated staff and its bilingual hotline set up to receive information on trafficking in persons. I also visited two shelters 1)the newly opened Karama Shelter home for the care and protection of trafficked men, women, girls and boys run by the Ministry of Social Development and2) the Shelter run by the Jordanian Women’s Union. My visit to the Juwaidah correctional and rehabilitation center and the Al Azraq camp for Syrian refugees and asylum seekers also provided me with insights on the situation of trafficked person. The National Center for Human Rights also refers cases of trafficking received through its hotline and complaint mechanismsand isinvolved in awareness raisingactivities. The Ministry of Labour in also actively engaged in combatting trafficking through its regularly revised labour laws and regulations,and Labour inspections which can also be undertaken in households and the Qualified Industrial zones. The establishment of various units such as those dedicated to domestic workers, refugees and labour inspection also indicate the Ministry of Labour endeavour to address issues related to trafficking in cooperation with international organisations - a case in point is the Better Work Project with ILO which aims to improve compliance with labor standards and working conditions in the garment industry, while at the same time promoting competitiveness at the enterprise level. I also welcome the ongoing discussion of looking into the possibility of opening the labour market to Syrian refugees and asylum seekers. The current discussion of the possibility of establishing a victim fund that will provide a comprehensive compensation scheme for victims of trafficking is also encouraging.
I also learnt of the steps taken by the Government in terms of fostering bilateral, regional and international cooperation to combat trafficking in persons.
Critical areas of concerns
Notwithstanding these positive steps, I have noted a number of challenges that must be addressed by the Government of Jordan if it is to succeed to effectively combat trafficking in persons and protect the human rights of trafficked victims.
While the majority of identified cases of trafficking are limited to trafficking for labour exploitation – the rate is low when compared to the large number of migrant workers in the country and the exploitative conditions that some find themselves in. Attention must therefore continue to be paid to trafficking for labour exploitation including domestic servitude mostly affecting young women coming from South East Asia and Africa, and exploitation of Syrian refugees and asylum seekers including a large number of children in agriculture and other sectors such as construction and garments. In addition, stronger action is needed to prevent and counteract trafficking for sexual exploitation and internal trafficking. The refugee population is particularly affected by early marriages of girls with foreigners resulting in servile and exploitative situations including forced prostitution. The possibility of the sexual exploitation of Jordanian women and girls may also exist, and can only be identified if there is an active search for them.
Moreover, given the influx of migrants arriving in Jordan with the perspective of work and the government’s immigration policy based on repatriation of undocumented migrants, I am concerned of the possibility that trafficked persons may, eithernot be identified or be misidentified as irregular migrants, detained and subsequently deported without provision of adequate specialist support for social reintegration and recovery. While acknowledging the government’s ongoing efforts to further addressirregularities related to employment of domestic workers, I wish to call for further work in this area to curb practices such as retention of passports, payment of inadequate wages, long working hours which sometimes amount to trafficking for domestic servitude.My fear is heightened also by the fact that there is a lack of standard tools and protocols for victim identification and a capacity gap in terms of ability for quick and accurate identification of victims of trafficking by front line officers. The influx of refugees/asylum seekers to Jordan and their extremelylimitedpossibility to regular access to the labour market, also presents an increased risk of trafficking for labour and sexual exploitation.
Indeed to date, the rate of prosecution of cases for all types of trafficking remains low, while convictions rate for trafficking is even lower. Moreover, there is concern about the lengthy judicial process and the lack of speedy judicial trials for trafficking cases. This contributes to impunity of traffickers and perpetuates the abuses faced by victims who abandon the case and live the country in order to earn a living somewhere else.
In terms of protection for victims of trafficking, I have noted that assistance is provided to victims identified as such in the newly established government run shelter which provides adequate living conditions for male, female and children victims.I understand that psychological, medical, legal, language and other support services are also foreseen to be provided. At the time of my visit, I have noted an overall lack of standard operating procedures for the provision of adequate protection and assistance to victims of trafficking in such shelters by well trained staff. Furthermore, assisted victims have limited freedom of movement on their own outside the shelter. The relatively short length of stay in the shelter which does not allow victims to stay throughout the lengthy court procedure can also be a reason for not opting to pursue or to drop judicial action.
While acknowledging the current efforts forraising awareness on trafficking in persons targeted at the National Anti-Trafficking Committee and its members, prevention remains at an infant stage. Regularly revised laws and regulation related to the licensing of recruitment/ employment agencies has not prevented abuses such as domestic servitude and exploitation of victims of trafficking.The general population and particularly employers of domestic workers also remain unaware of the issue of trafficking and government’s actions to combat and prevent it.
The capacity of government authorities, law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities to identify cases of trafficking in persons limits the prosecution and punishment of all forms and manifestations of trafficking in persons. Another related challenge is linked to the small number of labour inspectors with adequate capacity for an effective oversight/identification of possible trafficking cases compared to the numerous workplaces/ businesses to inspect.
In spite of initiatives of the National Anti-trafficking Committee, Coordination within and across concerned authorities, service providers and CSOs is at present incoherent as a result of the not updatedNational Anti –Trafficking strategy (2010-2012) which is still in use and standard operating procedures to combat trafficking.
In view of the above observations, I make the following preliminary recommendations to Jordan.
A full report of this visit will be submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2016.
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