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15 November 2024 – Pledging Event of the HRC LDCs/SIDS Trust Fund

Voluntary Technical Assistance Trust Fund to Support the Participation of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Work of the Human Rights Council: Pledging Event and Cocktail Reception

This pledging event was organized following the side-event entitled “Our Success Stories” held on the margins of the 56th session of the Human Rights Council, where several delegations expressed their hopes for official pledging opportunities towards the Trust Fund. The pledging event also provided an opportunity for former beneficiaries of the Trust Fund who are now based in Geneva to share their experiences, on how the contributions of donor countries and the capacity-building training provided by OHCHR have empowered them to better engage with human rights mechanisms beyond the Council, and even contribute to the opening of their Permanent Missions in Geneva.

Pictures of the event:

Opening remarks:

Panellists (former beneficiaries):


This event was a unique opportunity for existing and potential funding partner countries to show their support and commitment to the participation of LDCs/SIDS in the Council by making pledges for the Trust Fund. The following countries took the floor and announced their pledges (financial and non-financial).

  • Albania
  • Australia
  • Azerbaijan (contributed 15,500USD in 2024)
  • Bahamas  (pledged 2,000USD)
  • Benin (pledged 1,000USD)
  • Burkina Faso
  • Canada (pledged 72,000USD)
  • Commonwealth
  • Cyprus (pledged 15,000USD)
  • Denmark
  • Djibouti
  • Dominican Republic
  • Estonia (pledged 10,500USD)
  • Finland
  • France (contributed 10,893USD in 2024)
  • Georgia (contributed 7,000USD in 2024)
  • Iceland
  • Italy (pledged 21,000USD)
  • Ireland (contributed 53,996USD in 2024)
  • Jamaica (pledged 3,000USD)
  • Kuwait (pledged 20,000USD)
  • Lesotho
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg (pledged 20,000USD)
  • Mauritius (pledged 5,000USD)
  • Morocco (pledged 30,000USD)
  • Mozambique
  • Nepal
  • Kingdom of the Netherlands (contributed 40,000USD in 2024, pledged a top-up of 5,000USD)
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Republic of Korea (contributed 150,000USD in 2024)
  • Singapore (contributed 5,000USD in 2024)
  • South Sudan
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Switzerland (pledged 20,000USD)
  • Thailand
  • Turkey (pledged 10,000USD)
  • United Arab Emirates (pledged 25,000USD)
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (contributed 42,391USD in 2024)
  • Zambia

15 de junio de 2016 – Exposición fotográfica

“Garantizar que las voces de todos los Estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas sean oídas: Voces de los delegados beneficiarios del Fondo Fiduciario de Contribuciones Voluntarias de Asistencia Técnica para Apoyar la Participación de los Países Menos Adelantados (PMA) y los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo (PEID) en la labor del Consejo de Derechos Humanos”..

Con ocasión del décimo aniversario del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, el Fondo Fiduciario organizó una exposición el 15 de junio de 2016. Al evento, que fue muy concurrido, asistieron 200 participantes, incluidos diversos representantes permanentes y los 18 delegados de los PEID que recibieron apoyo del Fondo Fiduciario en el 32º período de sesiones del Consejo de Derechos Humanos. La exposición fue inaugurada por los representantes permanentes de Australia e Irlanda (copatrocinadores del evento). Formularon observaciones introductorias la Embajadora de Australia para las Mujeres y las Niñas, el Alto Comisionado Adjunto para los Derechos Humanosy el Observador Permanente de la Comunidad del Caribe ante las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York.

La exposición, que está disponible en English (PDF) y French (PDF), reúne los testimonios de 30 delegados (16 de África, 7 de Asia y el Pacífico y 7 del Caribe) que fueron beneficiarios del Fondo Fiduciario entre el 1 de enero de 2014 y el 31 de marzo de 2016. También incluye declaraciones de los 10 representantes permanentes de los países donantes al Fondo Fiduciario, en las que exponen sus motivaciones para contribuir a este.

Portada: Folleto de la ExposiciónFicha de la exposición [English] [French] (PDF)

Imágenes de la inauguración de la exposición:


15 June 2016 – Photo Exhibition

“Ensuring that the Voices of all UN Member States are Heard Voices of the Beneficiary Delegates of the Voluntary Technical Assistance Trust Fund to Support the Participation of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the work of the Human Rights Council".

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the HRC, the LDCs/SIDS Trust Fund organized an exhibition on 15 June 2016. The event was very well attended with 200 participants, including several Permanent Representatives and the 18 SIDS delegates who were supported by the Trust Fund at HRC32. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Permanent Representatives of Australia and Ireland (co-sponsors of the event). Introductory remarks were made by the Australian Ambassador for Women and Girls, the Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Permanent Observer of CARICOM to the UN in New York.

The exhibition, which is available in English (PDF) and French (PDF), features the testimonies of 30 delegates (16 from Africa, 7 from Asia and the Pacific and 7 from the Caribbean) who were Beneficiaries of the LDCs/SIDS Trust Fund between 1 January 2014 and 31 March 2016. It also includes statements from the 10 Permanent Representatives of the donor countries to the Trust Fund which outline their motivations for contributing to the Trust Fund.

Cover: Brochure of the ExhibitionBrochure of the Exhibition [English] [French] (PDF)

Pictures of the launch of the exhibition:

