Personal de la ONU, entre ellos ocho colegas del ACNUDH, detenidos en Yemen
El ACNUDH pide su liberación inmediata.
Relator Especial sobre la promoción de la verdad, la justica, y reparación
En esta página, el Relator Especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre la promoción de la verdad, la justicia, la reparación y las garantías de no repetición comparte todos los comentarios proporcionados por el mandato a los Estados sobre la adopción y revisión de leyes, reglamentos y políticas nacionales. El mandato proporciona regularmente comentarios sobre la adecuación de los desarrollos normativos y de políticas con las normas y estándares internacionales relativos a la promoción de la verdad, la justicia, la reparación y las garantías de no repetición.
Véase más abajo una lista de las comunicaciones del Relator Especial a los gobiernos relativas a las leyes, reglamentaciones y políticas nacionales enviadas desde el establecimiento del mandato, así como las respuestas de los gobiernos a esas comunicaciones, cuando se dispone de ellas.
Fecha |
Caso No |
Mandato(s) |
Resumen |
Respuesta |
30/5/2019 | GTM 3/2019 Guatemala |
Truth, justice, reparation & guarantees on non-rec; disappearances | Possible non-renewal of the 24-2009 Interinstitutional Agreement between the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Culture and Sports on the Historical Archive of the National Police (AHPN), which could lead to its eventual transfer and the loss or destruction of documents , as well as its dismantling. | Comunicación conjunta de los Procedimientos Especiales Comunicación conjunta de los Procedimientos Especiales sobre la iniciativa de ley número 5377 en Guatemala |
12/4/2019 |
NPL 1/2019 |
Truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence; torture; executions; disappearances; violence against women |
Reported lack of impartiality, independence and transparency in the existing procedure for the appointment of the members of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and Commission on the Investigation of Enforced Disappearance (CIEDP), which may affect the selection of new commissioners in April 2019; the reported lack of progress in the work undertaken by both commissions; and the possible amendment of the Act on the Commission on Investigation of Disappeared Persons, Truth and Reconciliation 2071 (2014). |
30/4/2018 |
TUN 1/2018 |
Truth, justice, reparation & guarantees on non-rec; disappearances |
Derniers évènements relatifs au processus de la justice transitionnelle, en particulier en ce qui concerne l’Instance Vérité et Dignité. Ces observations sont aussi présentées à la lumière des conclusions et recommandations formulées suite à ma visite officielle dans le pays en 2012 (A/HRC/24/42/Add.1) |
24/8/2018 |
EGY 12/2018 |
Truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence; torture; executions; freedom of expression; freedom of assembly |
Draft law approved by the House of Representatives of Egypt that would grant amnesties to a designated cadre of high-ranking military officers. |
6/4/2018 |
GT 5/2018 |
Truth, justice, reparation & guarantees on non-rec; disappearances |
Iniciativa de ley número 5377 que persigue reformar la Ley de Reconciliación Nacional, Decreto 145-96, la cual buscaría establecer una amnistía general y una extinción total de la responsabilidad penal de los responsables de delitos y graves violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidos durante el conflicto armado interno de Guatemala |
27/7/2017 available at: |
NPL 4/2017 |
Disappearances; |
Nepal Act on the Commission on Investigation of Disappeared Persons, Truth and Reconciliation 2071, the lack of significant progress in the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Commission on the Investigation of Enforced Disappearances and the need to enhance participation and better guarantee the protection of victims and witnesses |
15/6/2017 available at: |
ARG 3/2017 |
Disappearances; truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence |
Decisión de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación Argentina (CSJN) relativa a la aplicación de la ley 24.390 (llamada ley 2x1) en casos de crímenes de lesa humanidad y la adopción de la ley 27.362, que establece que disposiciones de la ley 24.390 no son aplicable en casos de delitos de lesa humanidad, genocidio o crímenes de guerra |
27/4/2017 available at: |
NGA 3/2017 |
Arbitrary detention, disappearances, freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of assembly and of association, minority issues, religion or belief, truth, justice reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence |
White Paper on the report of the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into the clashes between the Islamic Movement of Nigeria and the Nigerian Army in Zaria, Kaduna State, between Saturday 12 and Monday 14 December 2015, issued on 5 December 2016 |
8/3/2017 available at: |
COL 1/2017
Disappearances; truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence |
Debate legislativo referente a la creación de la Unidad para la Búsqueda de Personas dadas por Desaparecidas en el contexto y en razón del conflicto armado, contemplada dentro del Sistema Integral de Verdad, Justicia, Reparación y No Repetición, del proceso de paz en Colombia |
available at: |
LKA 3/2016
Arbitrary detention; |
“Policy and Legal Framework of the proposed Counter Terrorism Act of Sri Lanka” and its compatibility with international norms and standards on human rights, particularly as set forth in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights |
3/8/2016 available at: |
LKA 2/2016
Disappearances; |
Ratification of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (25 March 2016), the Prevention of Terrorism Act No 48 of L979 (PTA), and the bill providing for the establishment of the Office on Missing Persons (OMP) |
1/07/2016 available at: |
TUN 2/2016 |
Truth, justice, reparation & guarantees on non-recurrence |
« Projet de loi organique relative aux procédures spéciales concernant la réconciliation dans les domaines économique et financier » |
10/03/2016 available at: |
JPN 1/2016 |
Discrimination against women in law and in practice; Torture; Truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence; Violence against women, its causes and consequences |
Agreement made between the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea on 28 December 2015 on the issue of “comfort women”, expression commonly used in reference to women and girls who were subjected to sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army in occupied territories prior and during the World War II |
10/03/2016 available at: |
KOR 2/2016 |
Discrimination against women in law and in practice; Torture; Truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence; Violence against women, its causes and consequences |
Agreement made between the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea on 28 December 2015 on the issue of “comfort women”, expression commonly used in reference to women and girls who were subjected to sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army in occupied territories prior and during the World War II |
03/07/2014 available at A/HRC/28/85 |
NPL 2/2014 |
Disappearances; Summary executions; Torture; Truth, justice, reparation & guarantees on non-recurrence; Violence against women |
Nepal Act on the Commission on Investigation of Disappeared Persons, Truth and Reconciliation, 2071 (2014) |
25/03/2014 available at |
ESP 3/2014 |
Disappearances; Independence of judges and lawyers; Terrorism; Torture; Truth, justice, reparation & guarantees on non-recurrence |
Ley Orgánica 1/2014, de 13 de marzo que modifica la Ley Orgánica 6/1985, de 1 de julio, del Poder Judicial, relativa a la justicia universal |
22/03/2013 available at A/HRC/24/21 |
BDI 2/2013 |
Truth, justice, reparation & guarantees on non-recurrence |
Certaines dispositions du projet de loi portant création, mandat, composition, organisation et fonctionnement de la Commission Vérité et Réconciliation |
22/10/2012 available at A/HRC/22/67 |
NPL 6/2012 |
Truth, justice, reparation & guarantees on non-recurrence |
Possible promulgation of an ordinance establishing a Commission on Investigation of Disappeared Person, Truth and Reconciliation |
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